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because of~/on acount of~/owing to~ ~のために

Thanks to~ ~のおかげで/~のせいで

Because~, ・・・/Since~, ・・・/As~, ・・・ ~だから、・・・

This is because ~ これは~だからである

One reason for this is that ~ これの理由のひとつは~である

One reason is that ~ ひとつの理由は~である

The main reason is that ~ 主な理由は~である

Firstly/First/First of all/To begin with/To start with/In the first plase まず第一に

Secondly/Second/Next/In the second place 第二に

Thirdly/Third/In the third place 第三に

Lastly/Last/Finally 最後に

For on thing,~. For another,・・・. ひとつには~・、もうひとつには・・・



As I'm busy now, I can't go.

I couldn't go out because of the storm.

= I couldn't go out, because I was caught in a storm.

I don't play video games for several reasons. First, I don't have a game machine. Second(ly), I'm busy. Third(ly)[Finally], I prefer playing sports.

There are two reasons against giving the position to Mike. To begin with, he doesn't have much experience. Besides, there are few people who support him.

2. 譲歩→反論(A→B)

A: It is true (that) ~/Of course ~/Certainly~ 「なるほど(もちろん/確かに)~だが・・・」

B: but/however しかしながら

B: otherwise さもなければ

B: nevertheless/still/yet/even so/all the same それでも/それにも関わらず



It is true he is a good scholar, but he isn't good at teaching.

I studied very hard before the test; otherwise, I'd have failed it. (仮定法)

3. 例示

for instance/for example たとえば

in particular 特に

4. 一般論化

on the whole/in general/by and large 概して/一般的には

to a great extent かなりの程度

to some extent ある程度

broadly speaking 大雑把に言えば

in all cases あらゆる場合

in most cases ほとんどの場合

in many cases 多くの場合

in some cases 場合によっては



On the whole, I prefer Keat's poems to his prose.

5. 情報の追加

besides/moreover/in addition/as well as that/on top of that/another thing is/what is more その上/さらにまた



He gave me some advice. Besides[Moreover, In addition], he lent me some money.

6. 結論/要約/論理的帰結

accordingly, hence, therefore, thus それゆえ

as a result/cosequently 結果的に

so/then だから/したがって ( ⇔ as, since, because~, ・・・ ~なので・・・ )

That is why そういうわけで ( ⇔ That is because ~ それは~であるからだ )

in coclusion 結論として

to sum up 要約すると

in a word/briefly/in brief/in short 要するに



He studied very hard. As a result[Consequently], he passed the bar examination.

I am busy now, so I can't go out.

= As [Since] I'm busy now, I can't go out.

I'm interested in French art. That is why I want to go to Paris.

= I want to go to Paris. That is because I'm intersted in Franch art.

A child is most intelligent when the reality before him arouses in him a high degree of attention, interest, concentration, involvementーin short, when he cares most about what he is doing.

7. 類似性

similarly/in the sameway 同じように/同様に

8. 焦点/前部との関連

talking of [about] O/speaking of [about] O Oはどうかと言えば

as for O Oについては/Oはというと

regarding O/as regards O Oに関しては

as far at S is concerned Sに関する限り



Winter is the most plesant season as far as I am concerned.

8. 対照

on the one hand 一方では

on the other hand 他方では

on the contrary それどころか

while~/whereas~ ~の一方では/~だけれども



On the one hand I do want to travel abroad, but on the other hand I don't have enough money for that.

A: It must have been terrible.

B: On the contrary, I enjoyed every minute.

While we brought the drinks, they took care of the food.

( = They took care of the food, while we brought the drinks. )

9. 詳細

that is to say/in other words すなわち/言い換えれば



That would mean voting no, that is to say, using the veto.

He refused my request. In other words, he said,"No.".